Friday, August 30, 2013

Extend the Life of Your Vehicle with Preventative Maintenance

A little vehicle maintenance can go a long way - things such as belts, hoses, and fluids should be changed at regular intervals to ensure a long life for your car. If you are hiring someone to do basic maintenance for you, make sure they have a good reputation and the right equipment.

Some cars and trucks require special tools for things as simple as changing a serpentine belt. Without the right equipment, damage can be done to your vehicle. Be sure to refer to your owner's manual for specific information about the year, make and model of your vehicle.

Many times, people don't think about belts, but belts can cause a world of trouble. When I was a bit younger, and paid a bit less attention to my car, I neglected a serpentine belt. I ignored the telltale squeal, and even the slightly stranger sound that followed. (Something similar to grinding, but a faint grinding. In fact, it sounded almost like paper caught on the inside of a fan, being vibrated by the spinning blades.) I just let it go, and let it go, and let it go. When the belt failed, it ruined my plans for the holiday, and left me stuck on the side of the road.

Take it from me, that's not the place to be! It doesn't take long to change a belt - whether you do it yourself or take it in somewhere. And it is totally worth the investment. Most belts should be changed every 50,000 miles. And after shredding one while driving down the road, I keep a written maintenance log in my vehicle. I write down the date and mileage of each service, and then also when the next service is due.

By keeping up with the recommended belt changes, I have prevented another side of the road meltdown...Thank God!

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